Cat and Dog Acupuncture near Santa Clarita
As humans, we sometimes to turn to unconventional treatments when modern medicine doesn’t work as well on its own. Herbal treatments can keep us healthy and acupuncture can help relieve pain. Used in conjunction with regular treatment, it can work wonders. So, why not try using them on your family pet? At Stevenson Ranch Veterinary Center, you have that option, as we offer cat and dog acupuncture near Santa Clarita. Our team of veterinarians work hard on a regular basis to bring your dogs and cats the most up-to-date treatments, and that includes unconventional ways of alleviating pain. Is your furry friend suffering from chronic pain that won’t disappear? Then you should try cat and dog acupuncture near Santa Clarita today.
About Cat and Dog Acupuncture
If you’re not familiar with acupuncture, it’s an ancient treatment that’s been used for years to provide pain relief to people and now, your pet. Small needles are inserted on the body’s outer points, better known as acupoints. The acupoints correspond to internal systems in the body, such as your pet’s joints, organs, and muscle groups. The needles are placed on the acupoints where your furry friend feels the most pain. Once placed, the needles activate the natural healing and pain control mechanisms your pet already has, and pain relief hormones are released. This is what causes your pet to feel better. Acupuncture has no known side-effects and is overall painless, a benefit to your anxious furry friends.
When you bring your pet for cat or dog acupuncture in our facility near Santa Clarita, it will naturally treat the following ailments:
- Arthritis
- Disc disease
- Muscle soreness
- Acute or chronic pain
- Reproductive problems
- Dermatological conditions
- Respiratory problems
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Neurological conditions
Acupuncture can either be used on its own as a treatment or be used along with traditional methods for even more pain relief. While results can often show after one acupuncture treatment, our team will monitor your pet’s pain to see if more treatments are needed or not.
If you’d like your pet to try cat or dog acupuncture, contact us at (661) 799-0655 for an appointment today.